Musculo-Skeletal (western medical acupuncture) Current understanding of musculo-skeletal acupuncture is that it works through a whole range of mechanisms, acting upon both the local tissues and wider bodily systems e.g. action on the central and peripheral nervous system.
Research suggests that musculo-skeletal acupuncture, whether performed with an acustim instrument ( no needles) or using needles works on the gate control mechanisms of pain reduction, and acts to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, such as Oxytocin, Serotonin and Beta-Endorphins. These are chemicals within the body that, amongst other things, reduce the perception of pain within the body, and promote relaxation and healing responses.
Local biochemical changes within tissues.Following treatment, levels of hydrogen ions, neurotransmitters (bradykinin, 5HT, NE, CGRP, and substance P), cytokines, and chemokines (TNF-α, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-8) are reduced both locally and systemically (throughout the body).
Increased blood flow to local tissues.In controlled experiments, musculo-skeletal acupuncture of the trapezius and achilles tendon result in increased local blood flow to the needled site.
Decreased banding of myofascial tissue.Following this treatment there is decreased banding of the target tissue and a restoration of normal muscle architecture, including sarcomere length and endomysium spacing.
Decreased spontaneous electrical activity within connective tissue.Musculo-skeletal acupuncture (Medical Acupuncture) elicits a local twitch response of a muscle trigger point, resulting in decreased electrical activity at that site. This change in electrical activity may reflect a normalisation of the neuromuscular junction (the junction between a muscle and the nerve innervating it).
How does musculo-skeletal acupuncuture or medical acupuncture DIFFER TO TRADITIONAL CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE (TCA)?
The terms ‘Medical Acupuncture’ generally refer to the modern and evidence-based adaptation of traditional acupuncture. The objectives of musculo-skeletal (Medical Acupuncture) primarily focus around the reduction of pain and restoration of musculoskeletal function. There is good evidence that alone or as part of a package of care, with other treatment protocols like chiropractic care , musculo-skeletal acupuncture can prove extremely helpful in the treatment of numerous musculoskeletal conditions.
No Needle Acupuncture - What is it, how can it help.
The modern acupuncture Instrument takes the fear of using needles away getting similar and often better results without the low risk of infection that skin penetration comes with. It is also manageable for all ages. Children particularly respond well to the use of the instrument where the idea of needles can cause unnecessary anxiety.
Research suggests that musculo-skeletal acupuncture, whether performed with an acustim instrument ( no needles) or using needles works on the gate control mechanisms of pain reduction, and acts to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, such as Oxytocin, Serotonin and Beta-Endorphins. These are chemicals within the body that, amongst other things, reduce the perception of pain within the body, and promote relaxation and healing responses.
Local biochemical changes within tissues.Following treatment, levels of hydrogen ions, neurotransmitters (bradykinin, 5HT, NE, CGRP, and substance P), cytokines, and chemokines (TNF-α, IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-8) are reduced both locally and systemically (throughout the body).
Increased blood flow to local tissues.In controlled experiments, musculo-skeletal acupuncture of the trapezius and achilles tendon result in increased local blood flow to the needled site.
Decreased banding of myofascial tissue.Following this treatment there is decreased banding of the target tissue and a restoration of normal muscle architecture, including sarcomere length and endomysium spacing.
Decreased spontaneous electrical activity within connective tissue.Musculo-skeletal acupuncture (Medical Acupuncture) elicits a local twitch response of a muscle trigger point, resulting in decreased electrical activity at that site. This change in electrical activity may reflect a normalisation of the neuromuscular junction (the junction between a muscle and the nerve innervating it).
How does musculo-skeletal acupuncuture or medical acupuncture DIFFER TO TRADITIONAL CHINESE ACUPUNCTURE (TCA)?
The terms ‘Medical Acupuncture’ generally refer to the modern and evidence-based adaptation of traditional acupuncture. The objectives of musculo-skeletal (Medical Acupuncture) primarily focus around the reduction of pain and restoration of musculoskeletal function. There is good evidence that alone or as part of a package of care, with other treatment protocols like chiropractic care , musculo-skeletal acupuncture can prove extremely helpful in the treatment of numerous musculoskeletal conditions.
No Needle Acupuncture - What is it, how can it help.
The modern acupuncture Instrument takes the fear of using needles away getting similar and often better results without the low risk of infection that skin penetration comes with. It is also manageable for all ages. Children particularly respond well to the use of the instrument where the idea of needles can cause unnecessary anxiety.